Ignou Solved Assignment for MGSE-020 Gender and Financial Inclusion | SolveZone

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Ignou Solved Assignment for MGSE-020 Gender and Financial Inclusion

University  IGNOU
Service Type Solved Assignment
Course MA GD
Short Name or Subject Code MGSE-020 Gender and financial inclusion
Product MA GD of Solved Assignment (IGNOU)
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Answer the following in 200 words each.

1. Discuss the concept of “Financial Inclusion” from a gender perspective. 

2. What is “Bank”? How the banks contribute towards the financial inclusion of women? Explain. . 

3. Write short notes on „ e-Choupal‟ 

4. Explain „Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches‟ in the content gender and financial inclusion. 


PART- B Answer any two of the questions given below in 1000 words each.

1. Write an essay on „Community and Social Mobilization‟.

2. Explain the role of leadership in microfinance with suitable examples. 

3. Discuss the need for affirmative action for women in microfinance.